Thursday, July 7, 2016

More Than A Number


This is more than an arbitrary number.

This is the number that did it for me.

This is the number that ends my silence.

This is the number that should end yours as well.

This is the number that should make our President pay attention to this epidemic.

This is the number that should make every African-American get up and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

This is the number that is probably an under-exaggeration, because there were deaths that probably WENT UNREPORTED.

This is the number that cannot be argued.

This is the number that others can't dismiss anymore.

This is the number that politicians cringe at, because their jobs may be on the line for it.

This is the number that law enforcement agencies see EVERY DAY, and yet the number continues to GROW.

This is the number that history should look back on and say, "this was when they said 'enough is enough already'."

It's more than a is an indictment to our country's "bury your head in the sand" syndrome...ignore the problem, and maybe it'll go's not MY doesn't affect ME personally...why should I care...



114 of my brothers were killed from behind the guns and badges of so-called "peace officers".  That number should make you UNCOMFORTABLE.

#ijs  #nojusticenopeace

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

From Becoming to Being A Godly Woman

Okay, so the first picture happened on Independence Day... just a partial explanation as to why I've been AWOL.   It was time for a new car - if y'all woulda seen what I was driving BEFORE??? Wooooo!  

Ain't she beautiful??  Just in time for my birthday....

It feels like this has been my year of transition and transformation.  I can't say that I understand all the changes, but they have been for my BETTER.  I thank God for them.

So now, I'm wondering where else He's gonna make some changes.  I know there are some internal things that are changing.  And I'm writing and praying so that I can get a better handle on them.  It's GROWTH.  And I thank God for that as well.

There's a couple or five other things I'd like to get done...and those will be revealed as they happen. They are, for me, a reminder that HE is in charge of the changes being made.  I want to move from becoming to BEING.

So when I saw the second image on Pinterest, it made sense for today. 

I can be NOTHING without HIM. 

But in HIM, I live, move and have my BEING!

Let the transformation continue.