Wednesday, July 6, 2016

From Becoming to Being A Godly Woman

Okay, so the first picture happened on Independence Day... just a partial explanation as to why I've been AWOL.   It was time for a new car - if y'all woulda seen what I was driving BEFORE??? Wooooo!  

Ain't she beautiful??  Just in time for my birthday....

It feels like this has been my year of transition and transformation.  I can't say that I understand all the changes, but they have been for my BETTER.  I thank God for them.

So now, I'm wondering where else He's gonna make some changes.  I know there are some internal things that are changing.  And I'm writing and praying so that I can get a better handle on them.  It's GROWTH.  And I thank God for that as well.

There's a couple or five other things I'd like to get done...and those will be revealed as they happen. They are, for me, a reminder that HE is in charge of the changes being made.  I want to move from becoming to BEING.

So when I saw the second image on Pinterest, it made sense for today. 

I can be NOTHING without HIM. 

But in HIM, I live, move and have my BEING!

Let the transformation continue.


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