Tuesday, May 16, 2017

America, The Just? A Letter to the Privileged

 Protesters led by the white nationalist Richard B. Spencer gathered with torches on Saturday in front of a statue of Gen. Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Va.
America, let's look at your "great" history:
When African-Americans see the "stars and bars", we do not see a Southern symbol of "greatness" or "a better time". We see 400+ years of kidnapping (we didn't ASK to be here), shame, degradation, humiliation, separation of families and death. We see children being used, women being raped and made to bear children unwillingly, and men brought under subjugation by white slave owners. It is a part of our history, because the survivors and their families now make up a segment of this nation.
When Native Americans see the American flag, they don't see "land of the free, home of the brave", they are reminded that this was once THEIR land, and were unceremonially moved out by "progress". They were slowly and BRUTALLY moved to a "section" of their land, "given" to them by the "architects of the country". When "progress" started killing off their game, desecrating their lands, "progress" gave them substandard food, infested clothing and blankets, and not enough to even live on, they fought back. When they did, "progress" massacred them, and "forced" the survivors to live "where they were told". It is a part of our history, because the survivors and their families now make up a segment of this nation.
When Jews see the swatstika being drawn on buildings, waved as flags or tattoeed on people, they are reminded, not of "a superior race", but of the 1M+ Jews that were killed during WWII by Hitler. It is a symbol associated with shame, torture, degradation, separation of families, being worked to death and the agony and barbarity of death. We see families separated, women been raped and tortured, men being worked to death by starvation by the German Nazis. It is a part of our history, because the survivors and their families now make up a segment of this nation.
When the Chinese and Japanese Americans are reminded of WWII, they don't look back in nostalgia. They are reminded of the "camps", the overcrowded places designed to keep the "yellow scourge" from tainting our society. Familes - separated. Women - raped and beaten and murdered. Men - forced to work or serve in a military whose country treated them less than a human being. It is a part of our history, because the survivors and their families now make up a segment of this nation.
So when I see our country taking steps to eradicate reminders of an awful period in our shared history (because I am American, too)... You want to complain? You, who have benefitted from the labor, blood, sweat and tears you didn't work for, or even EARN? You, who have gotten ahead simply because of your complexion and the privileges it brings? It's been all White always, since the Pilgrims landed here some 500+ years ago.
Your "great" ancestors pushed the Indians off their lands, and almost wiped out an indigenous people. Your "great" ancestors bought and brought Africans, Chinese, AND Irish over here to work in their fields, made their clothes, kept their children and households, and made their businesses flourish with OUR talents. But you wanna keep these so-called "symbols of your history" to be reminded of your "greatness"???
And then YOU wanna holler about the Founding Fathers? Most of whom were the same people who I just described, that OWNED THESE SLAVES??? When our national anthem reminds us that
"No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave."
Until you can look back and acknowledge that your "privileged" and "great" history played a part in these monuments of "greatness", and see the mistakes, the injustices, the shame, the separation, the harm it all caused, and understand that's IT TIME TO TAKE THAT NONSENSE DOWN, and make the reparations for it, we will NEVER move forward.
Just my two cents for the day.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Let It GO!!!


I. Am. Tired.

Straight. Curly. Kinky. Afro. Weaved. Braided. Loc'd. Twisted. 1B. 5A.

PEOPLE.  It's hair.  It's not world peace.

It's mine to do with, as I please.  You don't like it?  Take a number.  I'll call you when I'm ready.  (read: never)

All I know, we got real issues in this world.  Wars are being started with little no provocation.  Judges are being murdered. Children are disappearing.  THEY ARE STILL KILLING BLACK MEN (tho it's slowing down).

The trolls that made comments about Queen Michelle during her 8 years in life in the White House, couldn't let go.  So she ever so gracefully ignored and did what she did best:  SHE. WAS. FLAWLESS.

And they couldn't handle it. Then OR now.

So now, she's out.  45 drags in his arm candy.  Y'ALL STILL GOT PROBLEMS WITH MICHELLE!!

This article pissed me off to the highest of pisstivity.  Queen Michelle will always be my FLOTUS.  But even she deserves to go back to her natural state, erry once in a while.  She has been on vacay for a minute: LET HER BREATHE.  Feel the wind in her hair.  Stop judging what you don't know. LEAVE. FOLKS. ALONE!

And to you know-nothing trolls: until you've had a one hour fight with your hair, you can go sit in a hot vat of chicken grease.


Please, let it go.  It's just hair.  If it ain't yours, STHU about it. Keep your opinions (much like your bad breath) to yourself.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The 2017 Listing of What Won't Happen

Ahem. (clears throat)

What I will not allow to happen in 2017 (grab your pencils, chirren, and take notes)

*you will not waste my time with things you can do yourself.  If I feel that this is something you can handle on your own, I will tell you.

*since I only play well with a few people, understand: if I let you into my inner circle of confidants and friends, I expect reciprocity.  Gotta be a friend to have a friend.  Treat me like I'm an option: BYE!

*Hold back my words - if I have to stutter, whisper or write them down - I'm gonna say it.  I figure, if errybody can get away with saying whatever they wanna say to me - reciprocity is fair game.  Don't dish it if you can't take it.

*I will be vacating these premises a few times this year.  You will not guilt me into staying around.  I need to change my eyes every now and again so that my mind is not overpowered with negativity.

*The F'n'F at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, will warrant some looking out for, but trust me when I say: if they play nice, so will I.  Mess with the status quo, and me and some of my "off da chain" friends and acquaintances will light it up for you. We didn't ask for you, we didn't vote for you, and if you can't handle the job -> in your own words: "you're fired." nuff ced.

*My BS levels are set very low. So if you come around me with it: I will either walk away, hang up the phone, or simply point it out to you.  You wanna be negative, go take up space elsewhere... don't subject me to it.  I ain't your garbage can.

I think that about covers it.  Oh, one more thing:

*"No" is not a bad word.  I am still learning how to use it.  It will come into play this year.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Demands of Greatness

Happy New Year!!!

Just a thought from my mentor, Dr. David A. Jones:

Good morning, FBF!!

I woke up at 4:00 am this morning with a new thought: rather than expecting something from anyone outside of yourself - EXPECT something great of yourself!! Greatness lives within you!! Summon your GREATNESS to manifest and it will, I guarantee!! GREATNESS ON DEMAND, PLACE A DEMAND YOUR OWN GREATNESS!! You are amazing ❤️ enjoy your day!

I love messages like this...it lets me know I'm on the RIGHT path.

Last year was a discovery year for me.

This year: I KNOW my worth - it is GREATNESS, and I will not let you devalue me or my time.