Thursday, January 28, 2016

Rising From The Ashes

January 28, 2016 - "Rising From The Ashes"

I named this blog "Rising From The Ashes" because I believe every woman has the capability of coming back from the so-called ashes of "death" from life's circumstances.

Whenever life "kills" us with situations with our family, friends, those that claim to "love" us, job losses, church hurts, community breakdown, and just the chaos of life - women have had to learn how to resurrect themselves.

Why, you may ask?

Because God entrusted us with the carrying on of life.  Yes, it takes man to seed our womb, but he is simply a contributor.  Woman (or womb-man) carries and sustains WITHIN herself.  She is the first influence a child ever has, good or bad.  We have within us the capability to carry, sustain, build and design life.  Why should death be any different? He has also given us the greatest capacity to Love.
What else but a woman's love can get a man to step up to the plate and do what is right, not just for himself, but for his family?  What else but a mother's love, can get a child to see the error of his way, and face correction and discipline?  We are considered the "weaker" vessel, but then Paul, in 2 Corinthians 12:10 says "for when I am weak, then am I strong."

I was watching Alien vs Predator, and the character that Sanaa Lathan plays, Lex, comes to the realization that even though the Predator has the power to kill her, she also has the power to help him defeat his other enemy.  She proves herself in battle so much, the Predator realizes, she is not prey, she is a hunter, just as he is.  He marks her as such, to let any of his brethren know: "this woman is my equal, for she kills just as I did.  I respect her for doing so."

We have power, ladies - resurrection power, staying power, standing power, coming-back-from-the-death-you-tried-to-put-me-through power, giving power, loving power = GOD'S POWER.

It's time to take back what is ours.  Rise from the Ashes - and use your power!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

What Is A Friend?

January 27, 2016 - "What is a Friend?"

A friend is:

  • someone you can be your authentic self with
  • they will let you go find your own truth
  • will pull you back if they feel you've gone too damn far!
  • will let you cry, scream, cuss, vent, shoot the sh*t, laugh, yell...and not call the people with the lab coats to come get you.
  • will let you borrow money, spend the night, and/or ask no questions, should the need ever arise between you
  • you can call them every dirty, rotten name in the book; but let someone else call you or them that: "WHAT?! Lemme talk to you for a sec!!!"
  • if you need somebody to get got: won't ask questions, just bring the shovel, bail money, plastic wrap, lawyer, etc....just in case there may BE a misunderstanding!!
  • will tell you "um, you gon' wear that?"
  • will stay up until the ungodly hours of the night with you if you're in pain
  • will come over, climb in the bed with you, eat junk food, and just sit and talk about everything and nothing when the world has gotten to be too much for you to handle
  • they make you laugh even when you wanna cry
  • will argue with you, tell you off, all in the name of love, and then make plans to go out to do something together
  • seen you at your very worst, and still wants to hang around you.
  • knows some of the things you don't tell everyone else, and still says to people "THAT'S MY GIRL!!"
  • they are your family when your own don't wanna deal with you.
  • will tell you you're wrong, but will defend and stand by you when other try to tear you down.
  • not only understands you in silly things and ways, will join you on occasion
  • do not have to have a reason to pick up the phone and call
  • you don't talk every day, or see each other all the time, but when you do: you pick up like it was only yesterday.
  • all of the aforementioned things - you would, can, and HAVE done them for your friends!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A New Day!

January 26, 2016

What a difference a day makes!

All the things that I had ever petitioned God for, things about my life, my dreams, my goals, my family and friends... God sent a word today... and it was like a glass of water for my thirsty soul.

He knows when, where, and how to do it!

All I can said is:  God has been, is always, and will ever be... just that GOOD!

I was in a very dark place for several months... no one knew, because I couldn't formulate the words. I was isolated, lonely, almost to the point I was ready to move and start over.  But He wouldn't let me.

And today, I found out, the hell I'd been through, was to make me strong enough to let go of a blockade in my heart and in my life.  Once I did... He sent a WORD!

Sometimes, we gotta let go, so God can do some things for us.  We hold on too tight.  We don't want to let go, because of fear.

Fear says:  "if you let go, it may not come back."

God says: "If you let go, I'll bring something even better that will REALLY bless you.  And you'll KNOW it's ME."

I surrender everything I've held on to that's held me back.  I give these things back to you God, knowing that You are the Author and the Finisher of my Faith.  Write the VISION, make it PLAIN, and I'll run with it.

Peace and Blessings,
Tavia Renee

Monday, January 25, 2016


blog entry 1-25-16

I need to vent.  Here is why:  ever been so caught up with someone, you could see yourself with them? And then, one day, the realization occurs:  they just don't feel the same.  Here's my poem for anyone who tried and lost out on love.

I Shouldn’t Have

I shouldn’t have met you.
I shouldn’t have liked you.
I shouldn’t have wanted to get to know you,
Because now it seems I can’t let you go.

I shouldn’t have talked with you.
I shouldn’t have prayed with you.
I shouldn’t have sang songs from my heart to you,
Because I can’t take any of it back.

I shouldn’t have wondered what your kiss would be like.
I shouldn’t have wondered how it would feel to hold you.
I shouldn’t have ever wondered if you and me could,
Because that would mean I cared.

I shouldn’t have wanted to be a friend.
I shouldn’t have wanted to let you be a possibility.
I shouldn’t have wanted to let you in my heart,
Because that would mean… no, I can’t ever admit that.

You don’t deserve it.
You never did.
And I was crazy to believe
You ever could.

But I did.
And I have.
And now,
It’s done.
 You should have, too.