Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A New Day!

January 26, 2016

What a difference a day makes!

All the things that I had ever petitioned God for, things about my life, my dreams, my goals, my family and friends... God sent a word today... and it was like a glass of water for my thirsty soul.

He knows when, where, and how to do it!

All I can said is:  God has been, is always, and will ever be... just that GOOD!

I was in a very dark place for several months... no one knew, because I couldn't formulate the words. I was isolated, lonely, almost to the point I was ready to move and start over.  But He wouldn't let me.

And today, I found out, the hell I'd been through, was to make me strong enough to let go of a blockade in my heart and in my life.  Once I did... He sent a WORD!

Sometimes, we gotta let go, so God can do some things for us.  We hold on too tight.  We don't want to let go, because of fear.

Fear says:  "if you let go, it may not come back."

God says: "If you let go, I'll bring something even better that will REALLY bless you.  And you'll KNOW it's ME."

I surrender everything I've held on to that's held me back.  I give these things back to you God, knowing that You are the Author and the Finisher of my Faith.  Write the VISION, make it PLAIN, and I'll run with it.

Peace and Blessings,
Tavia Renee

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