Thursday, June 23, 2016


I was in my room this morning, laying in bed, enjoying the quiet.

My TV was in power down mode, and my phone was charging.

I realized, I have my TV on in the background, just for sound.  I rarely watch it, unless there's a show that I want to watch.  Other than that - background noise.

My phone charges, and I catch up with social media, news, etc., but it's background lighting.

Sometimes it's in the silence where I can let go and reflect on yesterday, find out where my mind is today, and plan for tomorrow (Lord willing).  It is where I find peace - and pursue it.

Silence can be as loud as a buzzsaw; yet in the stillness and quiet, I can hear God whispering to my soul.

It is where I meditate, think on higher things, and allow baser things to be released.  It is where I achieve my highest sense of being.  

So, bye bye 'book, toodle-lo Twitter, ta-ta TV, and  I'll catch u later Instragram... time for a return to silence.

(maybe I can finally type out this book! IJS)

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