Wednesday, April 20, 2016

An Open Letter of Forgiveness

To Mr. Whateva: (you know who you are)

I forgive you.

For all the times I was there when you needed a listening ear, someone to go off the rails with, someone to laugh with, talk to, and remind you of the Plan of God for your life.

I forgive you.

For the times when I came out and supported you when you were doing amazing work in the community.

I forgive you.

For not thinking I was important enough to introduce to your family and friends.

I forgive you.

For allowing you space in my heart.

I forgive you.

For being important to me.

I forgive you.

For loving you. ( yep, that was a hard one to admit. even for me)

To my readers:
God tells us we are to forgive those who mistreat us and spitefully use us.  He also said for us to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Nowhere in the Word does He allow for the continued mistreatment.

That's why I checked out of our "whatever". You can't call it a relationship - it would mean that there were two people wholly involved - and this was not the case.  Can't call it a friendship: because a friend would never treat someone that way. Both of these "ships" have reciprocity - the understanding that what is received is also given with no strings attached.

Forgiveness means that "I'm letting you go to bring me peace."

And that is exactly what I'm doing.

Did I want more from him? Yes. Was I willing to settle for less? Yes.

So, to myself, I also say:  I forgive you.

(tears were spilled during the writing of this entry)

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