Thursday, April 28, 2016

Stay In Your 2

I think I said in part 1, there would be a part 2 coming...

Here it goes:

To the daft and entitled young man that works in my CSR department, who feels that just because he's next in line to become a Sales Representative, he can do whatever the hell he feels he wants to because HE'S. ABOVE. THE. LAW.

Brown-nosers and kiss-assers deserve their own reserve seat in HELL!!!


Just a'cause you want the privilege of becoming the next Sales Rep, does not give you the RIGHT nor the PLACE to just treat people any ol' kinda way!

Throwing people under the bus - NOT COOL!

Always running to do things fast and first - PETTY!

Calling yo' mama to bake cookies because I've always ordered them for the sales meeting:  HOW OLD ARE WE, 3????

Snitching - well, y'all know the rule about snitches....

When you came here 2 years ago, we were friends. You listened, you asked questions, you respected the position that I was in and learned from me.  2 years into it, and you wanna act like you're my manager, and tell me what I should be doing, all the while, you're knifing me in the back???

"Be careful who you step on up your ladder of success, you can meet them same people on the way down."  My own addition: "and we'll watch you fall...with a smile."

You are hereby awarded the "TANK" award - for bulldozing your way into a position and running over the WRONG people to get there! KUDOS to you!

I'm. Just. Saying.

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