Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Day

Just some odd things about February 29th....otherwise known as Leap Day:

1. Queen Margaret of Scotland was apparently five years old when she came up with the notorious February 29 proposal trap.
2. If a man did refuse the proposal, he would be fined a kiss, a silk dress or twelve pairs of gloves.
3. Women either have to wear breeches or a scarlet petticoat to pop the question, according to tradition.
4. One in five engaged couples in Greece will plan to avoid getting married in a leap year. They believe it is bad luck.
5. People born on February 29 are called "leaplings" or "leapers".
6. The poet Lord Byron was born on a Leap Day.
7. So was the rapper Ja Rule.
8. The plot of Gilbert & Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance revolved around Frederic's discovery that, because he is a leapling, he must remain apprenticed to pirates and serve another 63 years before he can join Mabel, his one true love.
9. Anthony, Texas is the self-proclaimed "Leap Year Capital of the World". It holds a festival which includes a guided trip to Aztec Cave, "fun at the horse farm" and square dancing.
10. Parties are sometimes thrown to celebrate leap days. There is no special leap day food but if there was, it would probably be frog’s legs.
12. Matthew Goode, the British film star who acted in the film Leap Year, said he knew the movie would be remembered as the "worst film of 2011" but wanted to be "close to home and able to visit his girlfriend and newborn daughter."
13. February 29 also marks Rare Disease Day.
14. Today you are working for free if you're on a fixed annual wage.
15. Astrologers believe people born on February 29 have unusual talents, such as the ability to burp the alphabet or paint like Picasso.
16. Mitsukuni "honey" Haninozuka, the manga and anime character born on a leap day, likes sweets, cake and stuffed toys. It is joked that, although he's 17, he's really six years old.
17. Hugh Hefner opened his first Playboy Club on February 29 1960.
18. The character Leap Day William who appeared in an episode of 30 Rock wears blue and yellow.
19. The French call leapfrog "saute-mouton", which translates literally as "leap sheep".
20. The frog is a symbol associated with February 29. The Australian rocket frog can leap over two metres.

Friday, February 26, 2016

We've Got Love...

In an effort to keep from dwelling on what I don't have (i.e. being grateful), I will dwell on what I do have.

I've Got Love...

No one in my life is perfect.

That's cool.  Neither am I.

But that's what Love sees, the perfect imperfections, and decides to stick around anyway.

I have parents and a brother, who I love to the moon and back, and they love me back.  I have a beautiful little boy who, because of his mama, my niece, I am Titi to.  And HIS Love? So Amazing to me.  (P.S. and his mama is my light and love.  Love you, Pook.) The Word calls this "storge" love.  It is family love.

I have friends, REAL friends, who despite my flaws and theirs, still manage to show a girl love, and it comes right back to them.  This is "philos" love - the love one has for brothers and sisters.

Right now, I don't have anyone who is romantically invested in me, YET. But, I do have hope that he's on his way.  This is "eros" love - the love between a man and a woman.

But the most amazing love story that I have in my life is this one:  when I had nothing, He gave me everything.  When I was lost, He found me.  When I was desperate and in despair, He gave me hope and joy.  And most importantly, when I thought I wasn't worthy, He said, "You are, because I AM." He loved me when no one else would or could have.

Best. Love. Story. EVER! That is "agape" love - the love that God has for all of us, and best of all, it is UNCONDITIONAL!

So, in the words of Babyface, "if we've got nothing else, We've Got Love."

Press "Play".

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Back to Work...

Why is it that when you come BACK from vacation, the things that made you take the vacation, not only pile up, but they start to mutate and reproduce?

Sigh.... all I wanted was a day off, where no demands were put on me.

Instead, everything that nobody wanted to do for anyone...was left for guess who?


Welp, back to untie all the knots they made in 9 hrs... in a matter of 1 hr.

No, I am NOT kidding

Yes, I am THAT good.

No, they REALLY don't know.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Stay in YOUR Lane!... a Rant (may be in 2 parts)

I have a co-worker who shall remain nameless (a few other things as well...)

To say this person is NOSY, is putting it MILDLY.

They will get up, from their seat in another OFFICE, just to see who came into the door.

They will stop anyone who is headed for the warehouse, as if to body-check them.

They will ask questions for answers they really DON'T need to know.

They will DIP in conversations that they have NO IDEA what's going on.

And then, when it is pointed out that they have not done their job, they make it a point to throw someone else under the bus...

Anybody else gotta coworker like dis?  Or is it just me?

There are DAYS, people, DAYS when I want to just haul off and....nawl, can't do that.  Might catch some charges, and I need my job.

But, if I had something to say to this person, it'd be this:

"If your name was not called specifically, do not come up to my desk/general work area/near vicinity to see what's goings on!  I don't need you to try and figure out what guest is here!  I don't need to you look over the person that asked to speak with one of the managers.  And the NEXT TIME you run ahead and tell one of the managers about something that I'm doing up/somebody at the front desk, you may come back missing some teef!  Stay in your place and lane, please!"


This is for every woman who has ever had one of "those" coworkers that tried to run your desk and theirs!!!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Monday Again...

Time for another round of WHY?

WHY can't American corporations (especially privately owned) go to 4 10-hr days, and give people a 3 day weekend?

WHY are the Republicans so afraid of President Obama, knowing the American people see their anger as fear?

WHY not let President Obama pick the next Supreme Court justice.  Lord knows, Clarence Thomas hasn't really done anything of report...

WHY is Kanye West's son Saint sooooo cute?

WHY do we wanna have a man crush Monday with John Legend and his baby bump-loving self?

WHY can't the gas prices stay lower than $1.60?

WHY is no one getting rid of Michigan governor Rick Snyder who tried to poison close to 200,000+ people in Flint, but Kwame Kilpatrick is sitting in jail (28 years) for misappropriating city funds?

WHY is White Privilege okay, but Formation warrants an apology?

WHY do I have to wait until MARCH to see Empire? (I miss Cookie'nem!)

Just some thoughts for today...IJS

Friday, February 19, 2016

One of THOSE Days...

This is the current situation that I find myself in today.

Through no fault of my own.

I am scrambled.  Brain fogged. Completely discombobulated.

And that's ok.

Lemme explain.

Everyone is allowed to have days like this.

No one should be ridiculed when they do.

The trick to getting through it is to remember: you are stronger than the scramble.  And deep down, these feeling, while overwhelming, do not have to ruin you or your life.

Breathe through this.  Break through this.

It does get better.

This is a shout out to everyone who was made to feel like they were silly or stupid to have days like this.  I do feel your pain and struggle.

If you can make it to the end of the day, then you won. Simple as that.

If you have to, go to the bathroom, have a good cry, and come back out fighting again.

It's going to be alright.

Trust me.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Grammys

Should instead be called the Grimys...

So much much much dirt.

People done forgot... it's not (ALL) about fashion.

It's not about who's dating who, who broke up with who. (I couldn't care less...)

It's not even about who can or can't host (but I love LLCool J for making it swagga like that!)






And even that's gotten mediocre...

The Grammys are not about popularity, it's about looking at the body of work someone has taken the time to produce, write, set to music.  It (SHOULD) be about the life, sweat, blood, tears, and laughter of an artist.

But, have you tried to listen to a whole album of, say, Kanye, Taylor, One Direction, Tyga, Wiz Khalifa, Kendrick Lamar, etc., et. al.?

Hit AND Miss. More misses than hits.

It's like Battleship, only more ships on the screen.

To the true artists, I sympathize with you, and pray we wake up....

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day

February 14, 2016

Welp, I could go for the OBVIOUS, and say that God is my Val-... nawl, this year I have a new Valentine!


I am going to be my own Valentine this year...because I am worth it.

I deserve the best. 

I love me, and mostly everything about me.

What I don't like, I am changing right now. 

I am changing for me, not anybody else: Me.

Sounds completely selfish, right?

Well, for someone who does for everyone else...I believe that it's past time to be just a little selfish.

So, for this year...Happy Valentine's Day to Me.

I love you, Tavia.
I love you back.

Friday, February 12, 2016


T.G.I.F. - not what you're thinking....

Ever been in a place in life where it seemed you lived each moments, walking on hot coals? Like, leaping from the frying pan straight into the fire?

How many of you ever said:  "Thank you, God, for the fire."

I'll wait.


Yeah, I said it.

T. G. I. F. - Thanking God IN (the) Fire

It's not easy to say, even harder to do.

But trust me, it's worth it.

I don't like the fact that I KNOW the fires of life will find their way to my doorstep.  But it is a FACT: I will face fires.

The trick is knowing the One that can put OUT the fire.

I've never shied away from the fact: I love Jesus.  I've been accused of being down-right FANATICAL about it from ones who know me.

To you, I say: "so, when I'm in trouble, I can call your number, and have you instantaneously come in and save me, even tho' I know half of you wouldn't even answer a phone call from me for a stick of gum?"

<<tttthhhpppttttt>> 'bye Felicia...

Whenever I needed Him, He was there. Good. Bad. Up. Down. Sideways. Low to the ground. High up on the Mountain.  The Word says it like this:  

Psalm 139:8 - If I ascend up into heaven, You are there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.  No matter what, He's there.

So, to make sure that I know that He will be there, why not praise Him BEFORE the fire hits? 

"You mean, tell Him thank you before trouble comes?"

Well, trouble comes anyhow...why NOT praise Him before?  

Chances are, while you're still praising Him, trouble walks up, sees you praising Him, gets confused, and says, "maybe I'm at the wrong house" and leaves.

So, while it's calm and peaceful...TGIF!!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Just Another Day....

Just some things I've noticed recently....things that are making me say "Hmmm?"

  • WHY is Bernie Sanders is on the come-up in African-American voters?
  • WHY are people trippin' on Bey and Cam? Bey is strictly entertainment, and Cam is still on a learning curve...GET OVER IT ALREADY!!!
  • WHY does the internet (and its' stalkers) have no chill, no regrets, and NO heart?
  • WHY is Donald Trump in the lead, Ben Carson not giving up the ghost, and Marco Rubio not getting off script?
  • WHY is Black History Month causing such a storm NOW???
  • WHY can't Raven Symone have several seats and STHU?
  • WHY can Kim Kardashian get coverage about not losing baby fat, but the citizens of Flint, MI get sent water and 0 coverage of this?
  • WHY are they letting this fool in Chicago sue the family of the teenager he killed, plus his friend, all for HIS peace of mind??
  • WHY does justice have to wait a couple of years, and then the case get tossed out?
  • WHY, more like, WHEN did Lady Gaga grow up and SANG the national anthem at the Super Bowl
  • WHY do I know that there will be ratchey goodness at the Grammy this year?
  • WHY do I know that Chris Rock will be going off-script at the Oscars?
  • WHY do I have to keep waiting for Dr. Dre to drop this album:  15 years, maine?
  • WHY are people so surprised at the fact that other countries respect our President?
  • WHY is gas at it's lowest in about 10 years?
Just some things on my mind, IJS.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A Discussion....

Okay, I wanna hear from you all today!

This is the subject of today's blog, right here to my left.

I have a few names I could call her...switchout oreo wannabe traitor 

But, Imma be nice and call her by her given name:Stacey Dash.

Her infamy will live on in the hearts of African-Americans, especially African-American women.
Sister, how dare you?

Lemme explain.

As a African-American woman, it has been drilled into me to uphold my culture and my race. Unequivocally. Without fail. No dereliction of duty. No desertion of my post.

You, Ms Dash, have broken a commandment in the Black Woman's Manifesto.

What is the Black Woman's Manifesto?

Glad you asked.  

It's a unwritten rule-book handed down every generation, from mother to daughter, grandmothers to granddaughters, aunties to nieces.  It is a statement to every woman of African descent who lives in America - to keep and wear our Blackness with PRIDE.

There are things in the Manifesto, that teach us about our conduct, our behavior, how we deal with each other, how we deal with our brothers, and how we deal with OTHERS.

You have managed to alienate your own people, girl. 

And not only alienate us, but you suggest that we forget our history. 

And for that, we will not stand.

Take a breath, and have several seats.

Wanna know when you've gone wrong?  

When your own family don't even wanna claim you.  Your cousin, Dame, has gone on record stating that he believes you've been brainwashed. 

Even your peers in Hollywood have called you out on your recent statements.

Every sister knows this unwritten rule:  you may work FOR a company, but they don't LOVE you.
Yes, you show up for work. 
Yes, you do the work.  
Yes, you may take the work home sometimes. 
But never forget: they can HIRE someone else to take your place.  
And you never, NEVER forget where you came from for the sake of work.

One thing as a African-American woman I know: you look out for your own.  
Girl, you lost points on this one.

Listen to this, your own words: "We have to make up our minds. Either we want to have segregation or integration. If we don't want segregation, then we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the [NAACP] Image Awards, where you are only awarded if you are black. If it were the other way around we would be up in arms. It's a double standard. Just like there shouldn't be a Black History Month. You know, we're Americans, period. That's it."

Umm...for starters:

1) Segregation?  Look at this picture and tell me whether or not segregation STILL exists:

There are around 150 people in this picture.  How many of them look like y-... well how many of them are African-American?  One.  That's .67% of the entire group.  Do the math.

2) You don't mess with Black History Month.  EVER. When the American/World history books start to include us, our history and contributions, we'll consider it. Until then, it's still Our Month, still Our Story.

3) BET?  The same channel that still plays your movies, videos, etc.  Have you lost your mind?  You don't bite the hand that WEAVES you!

4) The NAACP Image Awards - I'll let this picture speak for itself.

Now granted, this was someone else's meme, but it sends a very clear message. Every sister in this picture understands the unwritten rule of being a SISTER: we may fight and fuss and carry on and compete with each other - but NOBODY else better come this way, trying to break us will get DEALT with (specially that one in front...she ain't no joke!)  

You forgot, sister, you forgot.  This is why you're out there by yo'sef....

What am I saying?

Stacey, girl, you are still BLACK.  

Don't let your white friends and co-workers fool you.  You can buy all the skin bleaching, blonde weave, and fake eye colors you want.  

You. Are. BLACK, baby. 

And, just in case you forgot, they still use the N-word to describe us.  When they stop using it, then maybe, I'll reconsider an apology to you.

To my sisters: keep your heads up, keep reaching higher, keep lifting up the race.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

UnSportsman-Like Conduct...strictly for laughs

February 9, 2016

My best guy friend was the one who got me back into writing, so today's blog is from a discussion we had... hope you enjoy! (and try not to laugh too hard...)

UnSportsman-Like Conduct
A Step-By-Step Rulebook for Dealing with Sidepieces

A long time ago, ladies of the evening were calling “sporting women”.  They were of the understanding that their services catered to men who needed to “play” for whatever reason: when the wife wasn’t able to, didn’t want to, or couldn’t do so at that time.  Clients were hush-hush, and there would be hell to pay if word of private meetings ever became public knowledge.  These ladies understood, beyond a shadow of a doubt:  their lives and the lives of their clients’ wives would never ever cross paths.

Oh, to go back to the olden days.  I call them ladies, because they understood (and played) by the rules.

Now, with the advent of instant knowledge (i.e. the Internet, social media, and its ilk), what was once a quiet and clandestine meeting twice a week, and the occasional weekend, has been blown wide open by the “other woman”, who wants her just desserts and her “15 minutes”.  This chickadee has no problem tripping up her man and his family, subjecting their lives to be ripped apart by scandal, divorce and more digital proof than can ever be contained in one issue of the National Inquirer. 

Bad form, so to speak.

Sigh.  How many times have we cut on the TV and seen where a movie star/actor’s marriage/relationship has broken down due to a cheating scandal, what, 8 out of 10 times?  Or, we hear of an athlete, musician, senator, some VIP that has to quit, take a leave of absence, or just plain hide out because he couldn’t keep it in his pants? 

Why, you may ask?

SHE, the other woman, just couldn’t keep it to herself!  Tomfoolery, I say.  Tomfoolery.

<<whistle>> FLAG ON THE PLAY!!! UNSPORTSMAN LIKE CONDUCT!    Penalty?  Nowadays, you might could get your 15 minutes.

Remember the rule in grade school: a secret stays a secret when only 1 person knows.  Involve a second or third: it is on blast. 

So, to you actors, entertainers, movie stars, singers, rappers, musicians, athletes, politicians, heads of state, captains of industry (and any other VIPs I may have missed), please pay attention to the following guidelines.  Read it.  Memorize it.  Tear it up.  Burn it.  If you have to write it down, you are defeating the purpose. 

First, the definition.  A Sidepiece is a woman (or, for Equal Cheating Opportunity, a man) that the well-to-do gentleman calls upon to “clear their mind” with.  She is not “marriage material”, she is what she is: something to do until something better comes along or the wife/significant other/ is “back in play”. If you need a more up-to-date understanding, might I guide your attention to the words of the rapper, Fabolous:  “Cause the entrĂ©e ain't as good without something on the side, ya' know.”

Better yet, as Muhammed Ali's man said to him in the Will Smith movie: "You don't MARRY this one."


Your wife is there, in whatever capacity she holds, good, bad or indifferent.  She isn’t going anywhere. She knows that. You know that.  For whatever reasons, the sidepiece may never understand it.  She doesn’t need to – not part of her AOR (area of responsibility).   The sidepiece must know: the WIFE is the first and the last, the ALL.  The Sidepiece must stay clear of her, preferably in another county, state or continental divide.  In no way, should the Sidepiece and the Wife/Girlfriend/ Significant Other’s worlds EVER collide.  

Children are just…. NO.  NOT EVER. OFF LIMITS.  Sidepieces and children should never meet.

Rule Breakers #1 and 2: Ben Affleck and Arnold Schwarznegger – The Nanny.  Really? How stereotypical. See the next statement in this category. Bad form, gentlemen. Bad form.
Ruler Breaker #3: several Hollywood stars that broke the one CARDINAL rule of stepping out:  don’t bring the sidepiece where you earn your money, or in laymen’s terms: don’t (bleep) where you eat.

2. THE SIDEPIECE NEEDS TO KNOW HER ROLE – AND STAY IN HER LANE - The Sidepiece must understand: at any given time, she can be replaced.  She is there as stress/boredom relief, jock cozy, or just as a sports fish (see Steve Harvey’s book for this definition).  Addendum to #2:  DO NOT CALL UNLESS BEING CALLED UPON - if the Sidepiece is needed, YOU call HER.  She should never be able to contact you whenever SHE feels like it.  When she starts thinking that she can do whatever, turn up wherever, you need to drop/dismiss her – do not reward bad behavior. 

Rule Breaker:  Senator John Edwards, you never told Rielle she was the Sidepiece, did you?  She figured, well, the wife has untreatable cancer, I can come out the woodwork!!! Bad form, sir.  Bad form.

Selfies, texts, tweets, FB status updates, IG, Snapchat, Tumblr, Grindr, video, basically ANYTHING that can be used by social media to track your "goings-on" – YOU NOR YOUR SIDEPIECE MUST NOT EVER HAVE IT ON YOUR PERSON OR PHONE/TABLET/COMPUTER.  This is what is commonly known as PROOF: it can be (and usually is) used in a court of law. 

Rule Breaker# 1:  Tiger Woods – calling sidepieces back, sweetie, is only creating MORE evidence – you left a voicemail:  c’mon man, your friends should’ve schooled you better….

Rule Breaker# 2: Donald Sterling. Just think: if you would’ve adopted this policy, nobody would have found out about her.  And you wouldn’t have lost the Clippers, got divorced, etc.  One voice message brought it all falling down.  (Or the fact that you were racist, I’m just saying.)

4. NOBODY (and this is very important) BUT YOU AND THE SIDEPIECE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS!! -  Her family, friends and relations, whoever – the Sidepiece must learn to adopt the “don’t ask/don’t tell” policy.  If she don’t know nothing –  she can’t be called up to testify, can she?  Ronald Isley never lied, "Keep it on the DL, nobody HAS to know"...this is on a "need to know" basis, if someone needs to know (i.e. the “cleaner”), the Sidepiece is not the one that does the talking!

Rule Breaker:  Brandi Glanville (in a roundabout manner) – darling, no one NEEDED to know about Joanna Krupa’s “odor issue”.  But to put her on blast like that?  You deserved to get ejected from RHOBH. Remember – snitches get stitches…

5. IF IT'S OVER....SEE #’s 3 & 4.....loose lips sink ships, and the Sidepiece needs to know: if you go down, it's worse for her...

Rule Breaker:  in this case, it’s a woman.  One women who has been red-flagged for the rest of her life: because she named ALL the names – Karrine Stephans (i.e. Superhead).  You wrote a book, b****.  Karma will follow you until AFTER the grave.

Now, to the Masters of The Game…
The Fabulous Ladies with Ninja Skills – these ladies go down in the Other Woman Hall of Fame for knowing how to draw the line – and got called from the bush leagues to the Big Time, a.k.a. The Wife.  Pay attention, because their game was, in a word, SICK.  Like, I-don’t-even-care-if-he-is-married-she-isn’t-here-I-am-deal-with-it.  It takes HUGE brass ones to be in this category.  These ladies kept it classy, still not throwing shade at the ex-wife, and managed to make a name for herself beyond “The Other Woman”.  And, let’s keep in mind:  her game was so ON POINT, so DISTRACTING, so OFF THE HOOK, that even when her man’s marriage was STARTING to look shaky – these LADIES had enough juice to make him consider running like a slave to freedomland.  Her mindset was – “what do I possess that would make this man sit and ponder, ‘exactly how much would it cost me to get out of this marriage’?”

Angelina Jolie – sorry, but she played by the rules.  Jennifer Aniston, take note, Angie did what you should have done:  she gave Brad what he wanted (kids), what he needed (an equal partner), and I’m sorry, as straight as I am:  have you SEEN Angie??  I saw Mr. & Mrs. Smith – if that was what happened onscreen…. It has only been recently, did both Angie AND Brad clarify for the public that they stepped out together during “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” – however, that was done by design, not by mistake. She gets my “Baddest Bitch of the Century” award.

Marla Maples – she’s an ex-wife, but she ran the game so well, she sprung the Donald from a 15 year marriage, got wifed up and a baby…and then divorced HIM.  Play on, player, play on!

Elizabeth Taylor – two words: Debbie who?

Olivia Pope – yes, she is fictitious, but she is every smart woman’s GUIDE TO CHEATING WITH A MARRIED IMPORTANT MAN – she followed ALL the DAMN rules – and kept that man loyal in the process – to the point, he was ready to go to war for her.  That’s just…cold-blooded rule playing.

Honorable Mention – LeeAnn Rimes – she’s still learning.  If he cheated with you, he will cheat ON you.  Divorced in 9…8…7…

That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Facing Defeat

I am a HUGE Cam Newton fangirl! (for a while now... :) )

So, when he, along with his Carolina Panthers teammates lost on yesterday, I was feeling let down. But I'm sure what HE'S feeling right now, doesn't even COMPARE to that.

(He's being human, right now, people. Deal with it.)

How do we handle loss?

Are we gracious?

Are we aggressive?

Do we smile when we want to rage?

Do we skulk off somewhere to lick our wounds?

Do we blame other people?

Do we blame ourselves?

And the most important part:  CAN WE RECOVER?

There are a lot of words to go along with losing: embarrassment, humiliation, anger, rage, grief, sadness, shame, guilt, despair.

One word that popped up for me, which may sound strange is: relief.

Relief that the pressure is gone.
Relief that the game/event that I had to participate in is OVER.
Relief that I can get back to normal functioning parameters.
Relief that it's a new day.
Relief that I can breathe again.

I thought it strangely odd, for relief to be in the woodpile.  But, just having dealt a loss of someone I let go of, it made sense.  I could not beat myself up, when I was the one that wanted it in the first place.  I couldn't be mad at myself for the circumstances of the broken....whatever it was...because I was the one who started it, stayed in it, and tried to make it work.  And I HAD to be the one that ended it.

We all go through this at some point in life: be it on our jobs, at home, whatever extracurricular activities we participate in:  we experience LOSS.

It's how we bounce back from loss that tells the truth about who we are.

If we allow truth to govern us, and allow God to handle our fragile selves during this time...we may not ever get all the way OVER it, but we will get PAST it.  And that's where it needs to remain: in our PAST.  There is no do-over...but in all honesty: would you want to?

Young Mr. Newton will learn, as all us have, this loss may be the BEST thing that happened to him.  It will teach him humility in the face of humiliation. It will show him how to be his best, even at his worst.  And maybe, just maybe, God will bring another Super Bowl around for him to win next time.  He must, as we all had to do, GROW UP.

Have a Great Day...

Friday, February 5, 2016

Single...Not Quite Yet Ready To Mingle

December 5, 2016

Me and my best friend went out to dinner on Tuesday, and we had talked the day before about dating. Both she and I are "old-school" girls - we want to know we're loved, before we jump into bed with someone or start a relationship with unknowns facing us.  I know, I know, it's an old-fashioned notion.  But it works for us, because it keeps us both from making stupid choices, and allowing men into our hearts and lives that just shouldn't be there.  We've both been burned by men, and while, not bitter, we're choosing to become better.

We have both decided that until some things clear up for us in our respective living situations (and probably after that has been rectified), we're single, not quite ready to mingle.

We meet men, they like us, sometimes they wanna spend time with us, and then, of course, the obvious question: "so, when we gon do this?"

Ummmm, how about a year/year and a half from now?

<tires squealing away>

Sigh.  Not surprised. Moving on....

Since when is it a crime to say, I wanna wait?  I wanna wait to see who you TRULY are, not the well-dressed representative you put forward for the first 6 months!  I wanna see how you handle yourself with money, anger, family, friends, GOD, job, etc.  Are you consistent? Do you have the incessant need to be right ALL the time? Do you know how to have good, clean, FUN, or does alcohol have to play a role in your fun & games? Can you handle little kids? Grown kids? Parents?
What do you OWN?

Yep, and with that comes reciprocity: do I have a grasp on all of that yet?  Are there areas that I KNOW I need to work on?  If your answer is yes... have SEVERAL seats, and take a break. Until you are ready, he will NEVER be.

Hard lesson, but it was learned.

So, this goes out to my work-in-progress sisters, take the time to get yourselves ready.  Travel. Save money. Dine alone.  Hang with your girls. Spend time making kids laugh. Take some cooking classes. Manage your time and energy wisely. Don't be on the prowl, chill out and learn how to have fun. If a man does approach me with the intent of dating:  be his friend ONLY. Have it be EXACTLY that: he is my friend, nothing more, nothing less.  He gets the same treatment as my girlfriends: no holds barred, straight, no chaser.

Fellas - learn how to get past the pretty face: how is her heart? She may not be in the BEST shape, but is she taking care of others OTHER than herself? Do you know her?  What is her PASSION? Talk to her. Does she have goals?  Has she told you of others' mistreatment of her? Don't repeat the cycle.

All in all... if you can't be happy alone, don't drag someone else into your misery.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

More Than I Can Bear Today...

February 2, 2016

(sigh)  Sometimes, I just wonder....

I have a few bones to pick, some things to bend some one's ear about, and...right now, I'm just too exhausted to do any of it. I got people I love in distress, can't help just yet.

So Imma do what I do best.... God, here you go!  It's too much for me... I can't bear this by myself.  I surrender these things to you.  I can't solve it, but I know YOU can...

Thank You for being a heavy-load sharer, and a burden-bearer.  You are my everything.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Cleaning House!!!

February 1, 2016 (this is a long one, y'all)

I spent the weekend doing something that was long overdue... I threw out old stuff, papers, bills, notices, notes.  I got under my bed, in my closet, dresser drawers, etc. and I threw away some unnecessary things, papers, clothes I couldn't wear.  Just....stuff I didn't need any longer.

Why you doing all this cleaning, girl? you may be wondering.

I have a very dear friend, and she said something to me that was very true, and that, up until that point, I had never realized about myself.  She said, "When your mind is cluttered, so is your desk, your room, your car, your house.  When you get clear about what you want and where you want to be, you'll clean from top to bottom everything that was cluttered AROUND you.  It's okay, it just means you're dealing with the mess you made and you're ready to solve the problem."

Well, after the past week, I was definitely in that headspace.  I'd gotten clear of a relationship that, in a word, was not HEALTHY for my peace of mind.

Let the clutter commence.

I lived in this state of confusion and cluttered headspace for about a year, simply because it was how I felt the ENTIRE time - confused.  I felt moments, here and there, of clarity, but for the most part - I was left scratching my head.  I was...lost.

My space was looking like my mind felt.  To be truthful, it was of my own doing.  I welcomed the relationship, and made every effort to (attempt to) absorb it into my life.

Has your car ever made this sound: "click-click-click" when you turn the key?  Usually it means your battery is dead, and the "click-click-click" is the attempt the starter (ignition) is making to get the engine to fire up and turn over.

The problem?  No juice coming from the battery for the fire.

Try as I might, NOTHING I did made this relationship turn over and start.  No juice. (sigh)

So, if I made the mess of things with this person, I needed to be the one to clear it up, completely. Not an easy task, and I'm still feeling the repercussions of it.  It did cost me.

However, it was when I finally understood that it was time to make a clean break, it was also time for me to take a CLEAN break.  So, I made up my mind:  this weekend, everything that had clogged and cluttered my car, my room, my space...needed to be cleared and aired out.

I started at 11 p.m. Friday night, and ended at 10 p.m. Sunday night (with a church break or two in between!).  I went through piles and piles of unopened mail. Notes that I was keeping for a rainy day. Journals, notebooks, novels I intended to read. Just...ugh!....stuff!  Some was necessary, some was simply trash.  But I went through it ALL.

Yes, it took that long.  Yes, I had THAT much clutter in my (very limited) space.  Yes, I have dealt with it.  It was not easy, it took some manhours to get it done, but now, I have more space that I ever thought I could.  Sometimes, it takes us to get rid of physical clutter, to help you get rid of mental clutter.

There are things, habits, mindsets, all kinds of stuff that once you open the closet door come spilling out, and the longer it's been there, the harder it is to deal with it.  And most of it is you simply coming to terms with those items, and you MUST choose to keep it or discard it.  I had several bags of trash to throw out, physically.  While I was dealing with those trash bags, I had time to think about what I needed to eliminate out of my headspace: old habits, unhealthy habits, limiting habits, lazy habits, negative mindsets, emotional baggage - all that (beep) needed to go.  This part takes longer, and it is DEFINITELY ongoing.  But I feel better that I got started.

The funny part of all this:  my Sunday School lesson that I taught:  Lazarus coming out of the grave, from death to life.  Jesus's final words to him:  loose that man and let him go!!!  As a minster friend has always said about negative stuff:  "Loose here!"

I believe it is time for me (and if by chance you've been led to read this, YOU TOO) to deal with the bags and baggage of our headspace, keep the parts that need to be kept, and toss the stuff that is not important anymore and let it go and FREE YOUR MIND.  I felt better when I did.  You will, too.

My next step: get ORGANIZED...(gosh, guess I'm on a roll...)