Tuesday, February 9, 2016

UnSportsman-Like Conduct...strictly for laughs

February 9, 2016

My best guy friend was the one who got me back into writing, so today's blog is from a discussion we had... hope you enjoy! (and try not to laugh too hard...)

UnSportsman-Like Conduct
A Step-By-Step Rulebook for Dealing with Sidepieces

A long time ago, ladies of the evening were calling “sporting women”.  They were of the understanding that their services catered to men who needed to “play” for whatever reason: when the wife wasn’t able to, didn’t want to, or couldn’t do so at that time.  Clients were hush-hush, and there would be hell to pay if word of private meetings ever became public knowledge.  These ladies understood, beyond a shadow of a doubt:  their lives and the lives of their clients’ wives would never ever cross paths.

Oh, to go back to the olden days.  I call them ladies, because they understood (and played) by the rules.

Now, with the advent of instant knowledge (i.e. the Internet, social media, and its ilk), what was once a quiet and clandestine meeting twice a week, and the occasional weekend, has been blown wide open by the “other woman”, who wants her just desserts and her “15 minutes”.  This chickadee has no problem tripping up her man and his family, subjecting their lives to be ripped apart by scandal, divorce and more digital proof than can ever be contained in one issue of the National Inquirer. 

Bad form, so to speak.

Sigh.  How many times have we cut on the TV and seen where a movie star/actor’s marriage/relationship has broken down due to a cheating scandal, what, 8 out of 10 times?  Or, we hear of an athlete, musician, senator, some VIP that has to quit, take a leave of absence, or just plain hide out because he couldn’t keep it in his pants? 

Why, you may ask?

SHE, the other woman, just couldn’t keep it to herself!  Tomfoolery, I say.  Tomfoolery.

<<whistle>> FLAG ON THE PLAY!!! UNSPORTSMAN LIKE CONDUCT!    Penalty?  Nowadays, you might could get your 15 minutes.

Remember the rule in grade school: a secret stays a secret when only 1 person knows.  Involve a second or third: it is on blast. 

So, to you actors, entertainers, movie stars, singers, rappers, musicians, athletes, politicians, heads of state, captains of industry (and any other VIPs I may have missed), please pay attention to the following guidelines.  Read it.  Memorize it.  Tear it up.  Burn it.  If you have to write it down, you are defeating the purpose. 

First, the definition.  A Sidepiece is a woman (or, for Equal Cheating Opportunity, a man) that the well-to-do gentleman calls upon to “clear their mind” with.  She is not “marriage material”, she is what she is: something to do until something better comes along or the wife/significant other/ is “back in play”. If you need a more up-to-date understanding, might I guide your attention to the words of the rapper, Fabolous:  “Cause the entrĂ©e ain't as good without something on the side, ya' know.”

Better yet, as Muhammed Ali's man said to him in the Will Smith movie: "You don't MARRY this one."


Your wife is there, in whatever capacity she holds, good, bad or indifferent.  She isn’t going anywhere. She knows that. You know that.  For whatever reasons, the sidepiece may never understand it.  She doesn’t need to – not part of her AOR (area of responsibility).   The sidepiece must know: the WIFE is the first and the last, the ALL.  The Sidepiece must stay clear of her, preferably in another county, state or continental divide.  In no way, should the Sidepiece and the Wife/Girlfriend/ Significant Other’s worlds EVER collide.  

Children are just…. NO.  NOT EVER. OFF LIMITS.  Sidepieces and children should never meet.

Rule Breakers #1 and 2: Ben Affleck and Arnold Schwarznegger – The Nanny.  Really? How stereotypical. See the next statement in this category. Bad form, gentlemen. Bad form.
Ruler Breaker #3: several Hollywood stars that broke the one CARDINAL rule of stepping out:  don’t bring the sidepiece where you earn your money, or in laymen’s terms: don’t (bleep) where you eat.

2. THE SIDEPIECE NEEDS TO KNOW HER ROLE – AND STAY IN HER LANE - The Sidepiece must understand: at any given time, she can be replaced.  She is there as stress/boredom relief, jock cozy, or just as a sports fish (see Steve Harvey’s book for this definition).  Addendum to #2:  DO NOT CALL UNLESS BEING CALLED UPON - if the Sidepiece is needed, YOU call HER.  She should never be able to contact you whenever SHE feels like it.  When she starts thinking that she can do whatever, turn up wherever, you need to drop/dismiss her – do not reward bad behavior. 

Rule Breaker:  Senator John Edwards, you never told Rielle she was the Sidepiece, did you?  She figured, well, the wife has untreatable cancer, I can come out the woodwork!!! Bad form, sir.  Bad form.

Selfies, texts, tweets, FB status updates, IG, Snapchat, Tumblr, Grindr, video, basically ANYTHING that can be used by social media to track your "goings-on" – YOU NOR YOUR SIDEPIECE MUST NOT EVER HAVE IT ON YOUR PERSON OR PHONE/TABLET/COMPUTER.  This is what is commonly known as PROOF: it can be (and usually is) used in a court of law. 

Rule Breaker# 1:  Tiger Woods – calling sidepieces back, sweetie, is only creating MORE evidence – you left a voicemail:  c’mon man, your friends should’ve schooled you better….

Rule Breaker# 2: Donald Sterling. Just think: if you would’ve adopted this policy, nobody would have found out about her.  And you wouldn’t have lost the Clippers, got divorced, etc.  One voice message brought it all falling down.  (Or the fact that you were racist, I’m just saying.)

4. NOBODY (and this is very important) BUT YOU AND THE SIDEPIECE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS!! -  Her family, friends and relations, whoever – the Sidepiece must learn to adopt the “don’t ask/don’t tell” policy.  If she don’t know nothing –  she can’t be called up to testify, can she?  Ronald Isley never lied, "Keep it on the DL, nobody HAS to know"...this is on a "need to know" basis, if someone needs to know (i.e. the “cleaner”), the Sidepiece is not the one that does the talking!

Rule Breaker:  Brandi Glanville (in a roundabout manner) – darling, no one NEEDED to know about Joanna Krupa’s “odor issue”.  But to put her on blast like that?  You deserved to get ejected from RHOBH. Remember – snitches get stitches…

5. IF IT'S OVER....SEE #’s 3 & 4.....loose lips sink ships, and the Sidepiece needs to know: if you go down, it's worse for her...

Rule Breaker:  in this case, it’s a woman.  One women who has been red-flagged for the rest of her life: because she named ALL the names – Karrine Stephans (i.e. Superhead).  You wrote a book, b****.  Karma will follow you until AFTER the grave.

Now, to the Masters of The Game…
The Fabulous Ladies with Ninja Skills – these ladies go down in the Other Woman Hall of Fame for knowing how to draw the line – and got called from the bush leagues to the Big Time, a.k.a. The Wife.  Pay attention, because their game was, in a word, SICK.  Like, I-don’t-even-care-if-he-is-married-she-isn’t-here-I-am-deal-with-it.  It takes HUGE brass ones to be in this category.  These ladies kept it classy, still not throwing shade at the ex-wife, and managed to make a name for herself beyond “The Other Woman”.  And, let’s keep in mind:  her game was so ON POINT, so DISTRACTING, so OFF THE HOOK, that even when her man’s marriage was STARTING to look shaky – these LADIES had enough juice to make him consider running like a slave to freedomland.  Her mindset was – “what do I possess that would make this man sit and ponder, ‘exactly how much would it cost me to get out of this marriage’?”

Angelina Jolie – sorry, but she played by the rules.  Jennifer Aniston, take note, Angie did what you should have done:  she gave Brad what he wanted (kids), what he needed (an equal partner), and I’m sorry, as straight as I am:  have you SEEN Angie??  I saw Mr. & Mrs. Smith – if that was what happened onscreen…. It has only been recently, did both Angie AND Brad clarify for the public that they stepped out together during “Mr. & Mrs. Smith” – however, that was done by design, not by mistake. She gets my “Baddest Bitch of the Century” award.

Marla Maples – she’s an ex-wife, but she ran the game so well, she sprung the Donald from a 15 year marriage, got wifed up and a baby…and then divorced HIM.  Play on, player, play on!

Elizabeth Taylor – two words: Debbie who?

Olivia Pope – yes, she is fictitious, but she is every smart woman’s GUIDE TO CHEATING WITH A MARRIED IMPORTANT MAN – she followed ALL the DAMN rules – and kept that man loyal in the process – to the point, he was ready to go to war for her.  That’s just…cold-blooded rule playing.

Honorable Mention – LeeAnn Rimes – she’s still learning.  If he cheated with you, he will cheat ON you.  Divorced in 9…8…7…

That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

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