Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A Discussion....

Okay, I wanna hear from you all today!

This is the subject of today's blog, right here to my left.

I have a few names I could call her...switchout oreo wannabe traitor 

But, Imma be nice and call her by her given name:Stacey Dash.

Her infamy will live on in the hearts of African-Americans, especially African-American women.
Sister, how dare you?

Lemme explain.

As a African-American woman, it has been drilled into me to uphold my culture and my race. Unequivocally. Without fail. No dereliction of duty. No desertion of my post.

You, Ms Dash, have broken a commandment in the Black Woman's Manifesto.

What is the Black Woman's Manifesto?

Glad you asked.  

It's a unwritten rule-book handed down every generation, from mother to daughter, grandmothers to granddaughters, aunties to nieces.  It is a statement to every woman of African descent who lives in America - to keep and wear our Blackness with PRIDE.

There are things in the Manifesto, that teach us about our conduct, our behavior, how we deal with each other, how we deal with our brothers, and how we deal with OTHERS.

You have managed to alienate your own people, girl. 

And not only alienate us, but you suggest that we forget our history. 

And for that, we will not stand.

Take a breath, and have several seats.

Wanna know when you've gone wrong?  

When your own family don't even wanna claim you.  Your cousin, Dame, has gone on record stating that he believes you've been brainwashed. 

Even your peers in Hollywood have called you out on your recent statements.

Every sister knows this unwritten rule:  you may work FOR a company, but they don't LOVE you.
Yes, you show up for work. 
Yes, you do the work.  
Yes, you may take the work home sometimes. 
But never forget: they can HIRE someone else to take your place.  
And you never, NEVER forget where you came from for the sake of work.

One thing as a African-American woman I know: you look out for your own.  
Girl, you lost points on this one.

Listen to this, your own words: "We have to make up our minds. Either we want to have segregation or integration. If we don't want segregation, then we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the [NAACP] Image Awards, where you are only awarded if you are black. If it were the other way around we would be up in arms. It's a double standard. Just like there shouldn't be a Black History Month. You know, we're Americans, period. That's it."

Umm...for starters:

1) Segregation?  Look at this picture and tell me whether or not segregation STILL exists:

There are around 150 people in this picture.  How many of them look like y-... well how many of them are African-American?  One.  That's .67% of the entire group.  Do the math.

2) You don't mess with Black History Month.  EVER. When the American/World history books start to include us, our history and contributions, we'll consider it. Until then, it's still Our Month, still Our Story.

3) BET?  The same channel that still plays your movies, videos, etc.  Have you lost your mind?  You don't bite the hand that WEAVES you!

4) The NAACP Image Awards - I'll let this picture speak for itself.

Now granted, this was someone else's meme, but it sends a very clear message. Every sister in this picture understands the unwritten rule of being a SISTER: we may fight and fuss and carry on and compete with each other - but NOBODY else better come this way, trying to break us will get DEALT with (specially that one in front...she ain't no joke!)  

You forgot, sister, you forgot.  This is why you're out there by yo'sef....

What am I saying?

Stacey, girl, you are still BLACK.  

Don't let your white friends and co-workers fool you.  You can buy all the skin bleaching, blonde weave, and fake eye colors you want.  

You. Are. BLACK, baby. 

And, just in case you forgot, they still use the N-word to describe us.  When they stop using it, then maybe, I'll reconsider an apology to you.

To my sisters: keep your heads up, keep reaching higher, keep lifting up the race.

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