Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Daddy's Girl

All my life, all I've heard is "Your Dad has you sooooooo spoiled."
To which I would reply, "no, he doesn't!"
Today, I had to reflect on that....
What does being spoiled mean?  I get what I want? Point to something and say, "buy that for me?" Doing whatever and receiving no punishment whatsoever?
In no way, shape, form or fashion did my father even ALLOW that to happen!
-My father was a parent, first and foremost.  I didn't get away with ANYTHING.  Even when I thought I did, I didn't.  He was the last line of discipline at home.  The ONLY person I never wanted to get a whooping from was my dad - no mercy.  He didn't do it often, mainly because I didn't like getting in trouble, but when he did - I never forgot it or the lesson it taught me.
-he has NEVER given me anything I didn't work to EARN.  He comes from a family that hard work was valued.  He worked as a little boy, a young man, a grown man, and he still works now.  He doesn't believe it just "giving" things to  you:  you had to EARN it.  Bad grades were not allowed, talking back? just, no...and if he said do something, he didn't mean tomorrow: RIGHT NOW!
So no, I am not spoiled in THAT manner.  This is how I am spoiled:
-he talks to me, both then and now.  His wisdom is so very key in my life.  Lessons he taught me early on, are coming around now. I can come to him if something is bothering me, or if I just need advice, or his opinion.  He'll let me come to my own decision, but it's good to hear another perspective.
-There has NEVER been a time when he was not there for me. When he had to go out of town to work, he always called home, took care of the bills, took care of our family, made sure we never went without - HE IS A PRESENT FATHER. He would come to football games, go to different events, take us on family trips, teach us how do different things around the house. If I needed him for an emergency: he was right there until it was over. And stays there afterward.
-He instilled a love for God that is still true to this day.  He will not let me slide in my Christianity, and he makes sure that my integrity in that department stays 100.  He is the reason my relationship with God is as powerful as it is: my earthly father taught me about my Heavenly Father, and His amazing, everlasting love for me.
-He loves my mother. They've been married for 55+ years. Nuf said.
-He loves me, my brother, and his kids.  He disciplined me and Reggie, helped raise and care for my niece, he supports my nephew, and he and Jameir "talk" (smile).  We know he loves us.
So, in material ways, no I'm not spoiled.
In emotional, spiritual and familial ways....I am rotten to the core spoiled by my dad.  His love for me knows no bounds, and I get what I want - unconditional love.
Happy Birthday, Daddy.
Love, your Renee.

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