Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Makes Me Wanna Holla!!

It's been kinda hard to write these past few days...

The murder of Terrence Crutcher is breaking my heart.

The knot that kinda went away in May, has returned fivefold. 

I am in constant prayer to "hold my mule" whilst dealing the other persuasion.

I have to have conversations I don't want to.

I have to tell my 17 (almost 18) yr old nephew why he needs to be careful when he goes to Homecoming next weekend.

I have to have a talk with my baby nephew in about 5 more years, explaining to him why he can't just point at people and say, "why?" (he's starting to understand the differentiations between Black and White people)

I hate that I worry about my brother, my brothers, my cousins, my male friends...who could be stopped at any given time, and shot and killed: for NOTHING.

I posted this on FB this morning:

When will the policing of the POLICE begin? There seems to be no accountability, no remorse, and no one coming forward to say: "we were wrong and we're taking measures to clean this up". Sad part: it won't happen until we make it COST THEM SOMETHING!! Bump administrative leave, bump being fired, take away their pension, and lock. THEM. UP. Make them understand what the price of ONE life means: FREEDOM.

I don't feel safe anymore. Our men are disappearing right before us, and we have a police force who seems to be making quotas on how many KILLS they can make for the month.

Marvin said it right: "makes me wanna holla, the way they do my life, throw up both my hands, this ain't living, this ain't living."


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